One of life’s mysteries and aggravations is why for the love of … can’t Apple combine my two Apple IDs. When I got my very first iPhone they gave me another ID that had to be my email at me account not allowing a simple username. What was wrong with my original Mac account that I had since who knows when. It had email addresses attached to it so if it was a case of communication that would have been acceptable. Then there’s all the apps, music etc that got brought from one or other of these accounts and before I became aware of this when buying from my Mac and or iPhone, if only they had told me in “dim wit” language that I was not buying from a primary ID.
With all Apples tech savvy sometimes things go wrong, badly wrong. Yes in the scheme of things it is pretty trivial but I sometimes wonder if the high-ups are screaming at their devices “just use the right one!” It gives me a smile but then they probably have a person to manage all that for them. In searching the internet there seems no way of remedying this short of re-buying all my stuff, which ain’t going to happen, maybe the conspiracy theorists are lining up to point out “they” are doing it on purpose as to make more profits but I think it’s more likely to be ineptitude and arrogance. As a Joe public user I just want my stuff to work and I’m guessing the majority of iPhone users fall into this boat. It’s been this way for as long as I can remember and there seems no likelihood of it being addressed as most of Apples new customers are iPhone users and they are guiding to create an email based username rather that the older name ID.
All this has been brought about by wanting to spring clean my data, i.e emails, domain names. But this is one sticking point I’ll never be able to remove so I’ll just have to reconcile myself to living a double life.
Oh well back to culling gmail.