**Year of Change**

I have just passed the one month mark of being here on M.b, yes I know I’m a Jonny come lately.. and I set out to use this as partly an experiment in consistency and focus and partly to carry on something I started to pass the time on the bus commute home on my iPhone. This was long before the days of the iPad and even more so for the ✏️ so rather rudimentary finger art. Having decided at one minute past twelve on the first of January that I was going to make some changes to life and I thought about how I would actually achieve this. After many hours of internet research which uncovered some very interesting resources, to effect adult behavioural change it needs to be done by small actions built up over time.

What has all this got to do with my drawings? Well in order to help with the desired changes I decided that a good way was to set a task to see if I could consistently focus myself for a month. That now being completed I am thinking of trying another experiment for a month and will build on this over the next year.

So what of the doodles well I find it quite hard some days to find the content as life is pretty routine and not every day has stand out moments. I also find it takes some significant time to finish them and wonder if that time would be better spent elsewhere. So I am thinking of changing to a weekly routine unless I can find ways to speed up the process but then that takes away the originality. Maybe I should start getting up at four thirty in the morning to be “crushing it”. Anyway I’ve enjoyed this experiment and am interested to see if I can continue my year of change.

Tom C @stickmandiaries