An experiment In imagery

I am in the process of preparing a post for my plans for 2019 but before I get that to the finishing line I though I would share an idea I shamelessly took from sketchbookb called fav8. I just love you can read the longhand of peoples thoughts and lives and not just a hyper condensed formula of the information super highway, and I also like his use of green :) I have never used Instagram nor any of the other photo library platforms in seriousness because all of my imagery is held in my exclusively iWorld. Partly due to laziness I have never looked at sharing pics across the globe as it’s not something I have wanted to do added to that the fact that most of my pictures tend to be of similar locations throughout the year, I just don’t get about that much and I really don’t have an insta-life. There can only be so many variations of one view of that people would be interested in seeing although I have thought about doing a project on taking a picture once a day for year in the same location and then creating a stop motion animation but that rather ties down one to doing the same thing over and over again to the detriment of other things. Maybe it could just show the passing seasons.

I have got family and friends who have Instagram accounts that I look at occasionally but on the whole I rather linked it in with the Facebook principal and didn’t feel that I really wanted to keep up with the Joneses. As I have said elsewhere I have been retreating various forms of social media platforms until now. In finding from I feel that there is a place for posting pictures where the premise of rating has been removed and imagery can just be enjoyed and or discussed with the creator rather than drive by click liking.

So that brings me back to the fav8 of which in could have picked 80. But narrow it down I did and I present a span across the year. I could get side tracked and start rambling along about this, but for the sake of brevity I’ll finish by saying it’s been an interesting task to not only go back and look at all the pictures from last year ( and I rarely go back and look through the complete library) but to tease out a small selection the kind of encompasses the passing of time. If you haven’t looked back at your library maybe take a peek before the year is out.

Tom C @stickmandiaries